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Buxmont Veterinary Hospital
393 Langhorne Ave
Langhorne, PA 19053

Better health begins at Buxmont!
We are a full service veterinary hospital specializing in Holistic Wellness, and we want your furry family members to have the best quality of life possible.
You know your pets. We know medicine. Let’s work together to ensure they thrive!

Our website is still under construction but we’re excited for what’s coming and look forward to working with you!
Current Hours:
M/T/T/F 9-5pm
Every other Sat 8-1pm
We are closed Wednesday, Sunday, and from 12:30-1:30 for lunch on weekdays.
Holistic /hōˈlistik/ adjective: characterized by comprehension of the parts of something as intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.
Wellness /ˈwelnəs/ noun: the state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.
YES we are accepting new patients!
Phone: 215-741-0148
Fax: 215-741-4401
We are located in the same building as
Town & Country Pet Care Center.
Look for our sign to the RIGHT of Pet Lodging.

What you need to know:
Offering exceptional medicine starts with having an exceptional staff that's paid a fair living wage and given every opportunity to be supported physically, mentally, and emotionally, with true work-life balance. Toxic behaviors will NOT be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to, overt rudeness, cursing, berating, and threatening staff.
Veterinary medicine is stressful in the best of times, so please be patient with us. Be kind. We're here for your pets, and YOU are an integral part of your pet's wellbeing.
Help US by always asking questions if you don't understand or need clarity.
Help US by letting us know in advance if you're on a strict budget.
Help US by showing up on time for appointments or calling if you'll be late.
Help US by requesting medication refills 7 days before running out.
Help US by allowing 1-2 business days for non-urgent phone call returns.

We strive to incorporate as many Fear Free practices as possible to minimize Fear, Anxiety, and Stress (FAS) in our patients. Please CALL FROM YOUR CAR when you arrive for an appointment so we can minimize waiting room traffic. For medication pick-ups or in-person questions when you DON’T have an animal with you, walk right on in.
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